Saturday, April 01, 2017

Living in a Rom-Com Montage

I kind of wish I had more interesting things to write about.  Some kind of new adventure, a new chapter in my life, or something.  These days, anyone who asks me what I've been up to gets the same answer: work.  To be fair, work is alternating between intensely stressful and really exciting.  A project that I've been working on for the past 4 years is finally tangible.  In the next few months, it will hopefully be fully operational and producing commercially sellable products.  So yeah, it's not such a boring subject to talk about.

In terms of my personal life, I am at a virtual standstill.  Actually, worse yet, I am living in a rom-com montage.  You know, that series of scenes in a sappy movie that show how the lives of 2 people progress while they're apart, set to some pop song.  Montages can show the passage of weeks, months, even years.  However, those montages last maybe 3 or 4 minutes.  Mine is in real time, plodding along.  It feels like it's never-ending.  But it will end, and in a few weeks no less. Then the movie can continue, and we'll see how it all works out for everyone.  I'm trying to be optimistic, but make no mistake, I've got the box of Kleenex at the ready, just in case.

"I've got issues, but you've got them too, so give them all to me and I'll give mine to you"