Tuesday, July 20, 2004

Nothing Beats Raspberries:
I was having the worst day yesterday.  Nearly killed myself 10 times on the way to work due to drowsiness at the wheel.  Had little to do at work since I was waiting for other people to finish stuff for the projects I was working on.  Guy who was supposed to get a document to me by yesterday didn't.  Got gouged at the gas station.  Drove home in the pouring rain.  Found out that gas is cheaper closer to home by something like 10 cents a litre.  Came home to an "I told you so" speech (regarding the gas).  Had to scrounge something up for dinner for me and my brothers.
But then the girls came over, the sun actually came out from behind the clouds, and we went raspberry picking in my backyard.  The bushes are dense and thorny but that didn't stop Em or Boni from crawling right in there to pick the fruit.  Jocelyn screamed every time a snail was about to attack her.  Doyali went for the surface fruit, then watched the rest of us like we were a floor show (which we were).  Every so often you'd hear someone say "OW!" and then "CRAP!" as she drops a ripe berry.  I'd be checking around to make sure we didn't lose Boni to the bushes.  In an attempt to get rid of a mosquito on Jocelyn's foot, I slapped at it, which of course caused it to explode, so Jocelyn blood was everywhere.
We came back into my kitchen and had some of the spiciest hot chocolate ever.  It had ginger, chili peppers, Madagascar vanilla and orange peel infused into it.  Completely reminded me of Turkish coffee (you know, the kind that you can actually chew while you're drinking it).  Except with Turkish coffee, you're only supposed to drink a shot.  We each had half a mug (and in the case of Boni, Doyali and Em, two servings each).  I was ready to give up but I chugged it down in the end.  Everyone left with a smile and a bucket of berries.
So my day was saved by raspberries.  Is there anything they can't do?
"Raspberry in my hand, you feel alright but I don't know if I am"

1 comment:

Howie Chong said...

i'll bet that they can't stop a monorail.