Monday, December 19, 2005

The Cost of Stupidity

I lost $100 tonight. Not for any particular reason, I just lost it by being stupid and putting $100 in my pocket instead of somewhere else. If it were just my own money, I suppose I would feel stupid enough, but in this particular case:

a) it was a Christmas gift from my uncle, and
b) it was to be split between me and my brothers.

The worst part was that we were at a restaurant, and I got out of my chair only once to get some condiments (we were at a hot pot restaurant). That was near the beginning of the evening. Two hours later, no matter where it was or who it was who picked it up, it was definitely long gone.

Of course, I gave my brothers their money and took the loss myself. Then my mother walks into my room with $100. And now I feel EVEN MORE stupid. Why should she pay for my mistake? It was my own stupid fault. She didn't want to see me so sad, she said. I tried my best to talk her out of it but as anyone with a Chinese mother knows, it's pretty futile to even attempt to argue with them.

So Merry Christmas to whomever it was who scored a hundred dollars on a whim at a shabu shabu restaurant in Markham tonight. People gain from stupidity all the time. Especially from mine.

"You stupid girl, all you had you wasted"

1 comment:

Kare said...

awww sucky! well.. least it's better than loosing $3000 (that's how much it's gonna cost to fix my car after that stupid accident i got into.. *grrr* and i just started working too...)