Thursday, June 15, 2006

"I know a genuine Panaphonics when I see it"

My brother was browsing through the weekend flyers when he came across an ad for a portable DVD player that was on sale for some ridiculous price, like $20. I asked him what brand it was. He stared at the flyer for several seconds before he said, "It's a Magnasonic". I didn't believe him at first, but it was true. And then I couldn't stop laughing.

I've noticed (as I'm sure you have) that the general number of interesting things that happen to me is reflected pretty accurately in the frequency of my blogging. So yes, May was a surprisingly boring month for me.

And now, all the exciting stuff is happening to people around me. Some people are graduating. Some people are finally getting engaged. Some people have asked me to be a bridesmaid...okay one exciting thing has happened to me.

Anyone have any bridesmaid advice?

"Find yourself a girl and settle down, live a simple life in a quiet town, steady as she goes"

1 comment:

Andrew said...

Let me tell you, your inner voice may tell you "that after a few trips to the open bar hitting on the bride or groom (or both) may be a good idea."

Do not listen to this voice.

My parole officer shoulda warned me.