Sunday, December 30, 2007

Things Are Looking Up

It's been an interesting year, I think. Lived and learned, laughed and cried, and most recently noted that the world (at least my little part of it) lost quite a number of fathers.

But things are really looking up. The six-month move-out countdown is on (again). I've begun to realize that I am slowly being suffocated here. Not entirely due to parental restrictions, but because I can no longer move around my room on account of the ridiculous quantity of stuff that has accumulated around me. Some of this stuff is old and sentimental, some of it is complete junk that I haven't gotten around to disposing, and some of it is recently acquired for my impending move. Getting out of here will be like getting out of a tightly binding dress...unzip and then I can breathe normally again. Hopefully I can hold it in until then.

The most significant change in my life this year happened recently. There was a person with whom I had corresponded since I was a little girl. More than seven years ago, the correspondence stopped, for reasons that I can't really mention here. Every year since then, and at around the same time, I considered contacting this person - not to pry into their life, but to see how they were doing, and to ask if they would be willing to talk to me again. A couple of weeks ago, I decided, with little to no expectation of success, to write to this person and ask these questions. To my complete surprise and delight, I received a response. I am happy to say that some things were explained, and now we're talking to each other again as we used to do. Out of everything else I did this year, I was so glad that I did this one thing. My philosophy these days is that life is far too short, and there are some things that are just too important to let go.

All this heaviness aside, I'm optimistic that it's really going to be a happy new year. Some extensive travelling might be on the horizon. I'm crossing my fingers that it goes ahead as planned. But what I'm most looking forward to is the part that is completely unanticipated and unknown. The next chapter will start in a moment.

Good luck to all of you, friends and well-wishers, in 2008.

"Watching the whole world wind around and round, I'll be coming home next year"

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