Monday, September 29, 2008

Invisible Food Fight

I've had the strangest day involving my poor car. First, I stepped out of my house this morning to find that my car's windshield had been egged. There were eggshell bits all over the place, and given that they were stuck onto the glass, and there was a dried splatter pattern across the surface, it would seem that it happened at least a few hours ago. I picked off as much as I could, but since there were eggshell bits stuck all over the windshield wiper, I didn't want to use the wipers for fear of smearing and scratching. The other mystery was that I couldn't find any evidence of the yolk. There were two possibilities: something came along and ate it during the night, or it ran down the front and under the hood. There was no time to investigate (or to do anything about it even if I found it), so I drove to work a little steamed.

After work, I went straight to a gas station, where I squeegeed as much as I could and picked off the teeny bits of eggshell. I also forgot to look for the yolk, but I figure it's too late now anyway. I made two stops, one at a supermarket and one at a drugstore, before I went home. I parked the car, got out, and found something stuck to my car. On the side, in front of the door, and coincidentally very close to the windshield, there was some kind of food splatter. It looked like some kind of cheese product and diced red peppers, as if someone had thrown a pizza against the car. And I thought to myself, "WHAT THE HELL??" Within an hour of me cleaning off the egg bits, I now had to wipe off the supposed pizza bits off the car too. What could possibly be the odds of something like this happening? Is someone following me with food? Does my car look like it needs to be pelted with produce?

I am so peeved right now.

"You say you don't know, you tell me don't lie, you work at a smile and you go for a ride"

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