Monday, April 11, 2011

Go Fish...Oh Wait, Wrong Game

Happy birthday to me.

Today is an interesting anniversary. I've been single for ten years. It wasn't because I didn't want a boyfriend. It's hard to first, it was the fact that I didn't want my existence to be defined by the necessity of finding a guy to be with. Later, I was having way too much fun on my own to be bothered.


Sometimes when you try to force something to happen, it doesn't. But the minute you stop trying, it happens. I'm not even sure if I've actually stopped trying yet. The one thing I know is that I'm starting to turn towards the idea that some people are destined to be alone.

The ironic thing is, I haven't played Old Maid in so long, I've forgotten the rules.

"Sometimes it lasts in love, but sometimes it hurts instead"

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