Thursday, December 23, 2004

Freezing Rain Warning Is In Effect

Looks like I chose the best day to start my vacation. I'll bet the girls at work are grumbling about it right now...

Apart from the general traffic carnage and the physical strain from digging myself out of the house, I love winter. If people hated winter as much as they say they do, then what the hell are they doing here? This is Canada. It's cold here. Get over it.

I think it's been 6 or 7 months since I've gone climbing. I miss it. I've had a couple of excuses (busy at work...all my climbing buddies are gone...etc.) but I have to admit they're not really good excuses. I'm going to try to get in as much climbing as possible in the next two weeks. If I'm going to be attempting ice climbing, then I'm going to need all the help I can get.

Do you like the smell of a camp fire? I love it. Don't know what it is exactly, but it's sort of soothing, very natural. Guess what I found? Candles that are campfire scented. Can you believe it? I bought them immediately and gave them to Emily for Christmas. Why? Because the last time we went to the One-of-a-Kind show, she was joking with one of the candle merchants about making a candle that smelled like wood smoke. And what do you know? Someone has already done it! But I hope it doesn't end up smelling like her house is on fire. That would be considerably less than soothing.

"The lamp is burning low upon my table top, the snow is softly falling"

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