Monday, January 03, 2005

Crappy New Year

Well...the dream of having a good year was somewhat short-lived...

Where do I start? Okay...last night our car was broken into. Maybe not so much broken into as it was opened due to my father forgetting to lock the car. Since we don't keep that much junk in any of our cars, they only took a change purse (a few bucks at most), a cheap flashlight, a granola bar, and...our garage door opener. Which they of course used to open our garage. Since we had two cars jammed into it and two cars on the driveway, they didn't end up taking anything. The whole thing looks random, but I learned today it's not actually a rare occurrence on my street. My dad was talking to the neighbours this afternoon and found out that almost everyone had experienced something similar at one point or another over the past few years. Someone had left their car unlocked on their driveway in broad daylight and some punk went in and rifled through their stuff. The old couple on the corner were robbed recently. The little old lady had stepped outside to rake leaves or something, and some guy just walked into the house and stole their antique watch collection, while the old man (who's ill) was lying in the bedroom. I mean, come on, the guy(s) that paid us a visit last night took the light bulb from our motion detector.

So, after looking over the car as quickly as possible, I headed to work. Where I was told that my boss had died yesterday. She had lost her battle against the tag-team cancer (breast, then lung). The only good things that can be said about this are:

a) her suffering is finally over, and
b) she died they way she wanted, peacefully at home in her favourite rocking chair, instead of hooked up to a bunch of machines in a hospital.

She would have been 42 in February.

Monica was the nicest and the best manager I've ever had. She had an amazing sense of humour, and she never failed to help me out whenever I had a question or problem. Her conviction in beating the illness was awe-inspiring.

Despite the heaviness of the day, it wasn't a complete bust. I got some work done, and I was actually okay for the most part until the grief counsellor showed up. We went in to see him as a group and spent an hour talking and sobbing. We all came out of there more depressed, and I had blown my nose so much it hurt.

Lesson of the Day: Grief counselling is not for me.

The funeral is on Thursday. I've never been to a funeral with a cremation before. I hope I'll be able to hold it together.

I know this has been a downer of a blog, but the pamphlet did say that writing down your feelings can be theraputic in these situations. So here it is. Thanks for reading.

"It's something unpredictable, but in the end is right, I hope you had the time of your life"

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