Saturday, June 04, 2005

Lessons in Futility

I have returned! Europe was awesome, to say the least. Too much to say here, the blog would go on forever and ever. So I'll just highlight the weather (much nicer than expected, which caused a slight wardrobe dilemma), the sights (climbed a lot of towers, saw a lot of dead kings and queens, and almost everywhere I went I wasn't allowed to take photos, so I have a lot of scenery shots and funny road signs), and the people (damned if I wasn't hit on by a dirty old English man...but I met a nice Australian guy and actually ran into a friend in the most unexpected place, so it evened out).

I got back last Sunday night/Monday morning. Then on Tuesday I went to the Killers concert. Very cool show. During Louis IV's opening set, I got a call on my cell from Jocelyn. There was no way in hell I was going to be able to carry a conversation with her, but I answered it anyway since I don't have voice mail and I wanted to let her know where I was. My first words were "I can't hear you".

It's funny how people will not give up trying to get into a place where they are not allowed to go. Like the pit in front of the stage. If you don't have the right ticket, security is not going to let you in. But the one blond girl was trying to work her way in all night. At one point I saw her walking around in the pit between bands. But she left, and when she tried to get back in, the five-foot-tall security girl would not let her. Which begs the question, why the hell did she get out of the pit??

And then there was the poor guy who was trying to find his seat throughout the Killers' set. He walked back and forth past me and my brother, and at one point asked us where he was but I couldn't see his ticket. Finally, when they were playing their last song, he asked the short security girl for help. Her gestures seemed to indicate that his seat was WAY farther back than where he was at the moment. He left, and then the show was over. How sad is that?

Before I left for my vacation, there was a slight flutter of excitement at my house, when my brother got a message from Maple Leaf Entertainment (or something) concerning season tickets of some sort. My brother was bummed out, because even in the event that hockey is resurrected this year, he still has to go back to school in September. I made it very clear that I WILL PAY FOR THEM. When I returned, I eagerly asked him what happened. Unfortunately, the season tickets were for the AHL. Although he wouldn't mind seeing the Marlies, he decided to turn them down. Here's the irony: if you get AHL season tickets, you'll get five pairs of Leafs tickets as part of the deal. He's still on the waiting list, but the guy basically told him that he won't get a chance at Leafs season tickets in his lifetime. There are 4000 people in the line ahead of him, and the line moves less than 10 people a year. I wonder if they will let your children take your place in line after you're gone...

And finally, I just tried yet again for Coldplay tickets, and yet again, it sold out instantly. Well, it took two minutes this time, instead of 30 seconds. Boo.

"How long before I get in, before it starts, before I begin"

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