Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Sliding Scale

On a smaller but crazier scale, another plane crashes into another building in NYC today. Significantly less damage and loss of life, to be sure.

Well, what are the odds that I know someone who lives in that building??

I was very emotionally affected by the events of 9/11. But out of the thousands of people who were involved, I didn't know a single one of them. Tonight, I find out that a girl I went to university with was actually in that building when the plane hit it. She saw the falling debris from her window. She was evacuated with the other residents. She stood out in the rain as the emergency crews ran around to contain the fire and treat the injured. She was allowed back into her apartment about half an hour ago. She's okay, which is good to know.

Suddenly, the entire event seems so much bigger to me.

"The streets are in distress, the sun suffocates behind darkened skies"

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