Monday, October 29, 2012

We Never Learn

I've spent the day looking at photos from the US eastern seaboard as Hurricane Sandy, or whatever she's called now, slammed into it.  Waist-high water, construction cranes snapping in mid-air, structures being washed out to sea, power outages to thousands if not millions of people, etc.  And of course, what do I think of but "The Day After Tomorrow".  It's one of those movies that I'll watch over and over again, whenever it's on TV.  I'm not saying that I think these events are definitely going to happen.  But the things that Dennis Quaid's character are saying are completely plausible to me.  Despite having no background in meteorology, the physics of it makes sense.

I don't know about you, but to me, the images of New York and New Jersey that are being shown to the world today look incredibly similar to the ones in the movie.  And yet I still hear people saying that they're making too big a deal about it, that the authorities over-reacting.  So, just like in the movie, we probably won't learn until it's too late.

Jules Verne wrote "Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea" and "From the Earth to the Moon" almost a hundred years before there were submarines and space shuttles.  It's not inconceivable that someone who wrote a movie screenplay could possibly be seeing into the future.

So now maybe we'll actually need to be on the lookout for the zombie apocalypse.  Or, more likely, killer robots.  My boss is currently at a trade show, looking for equipment that could improve the efficiency of our packaging lines.  That includes robots.  I'm okay with them as long as they're not doing any independent thinking.  For god's sake, did we learn nothing from Arnold??

"It's the end of the world as we know it"

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