Saturday, February 01, 2014

Worry's For Another Day

It's really funny how time reveals things to you.

When I was growing up, one of my favourite TV shows was Fraggle Rock.  I mean, who didn't love Muppets as a kid?  I found out this week that there's going to be a new spin-off show focussing specifically on the Doozers, the little green characters who were the construction workers.  The new show is going to be CG instead of Muppets, but I remember that I always loved the Doozers more than the Fraggles.  They were so cute, with their little tool belts and multi-coloured hard hats that would cover their eyes.  I was also boggled at how they moved around.  I knew Muppets had people behind them, that was pretty obvious.  But the Doozers drove their little trucks and walked around autonomously.  I guess I wasn't aware of how advanced remote controls were at the time.

Of course, the moment I found out about the new show, I was Googling.  I went back and reminisced on how much I loved those little Doozers.  I didn't realize they had such appropriate names, like Wingnut and Cotterpin and Flange.  They preferred working together instead of playing and being independent, which is what the Fraggles promoted.  And suddenly, it all made sense.  This is probably where I got the idea that I wanted to be an engineer.  This lead me to my interest in math and science and building things, even if someone came around and ate my creation later.  But, on the flip side, the Fraggles showed me that I could be an individual and independent too.  And have some fun.

But, seriously, that theme song really gets stuck in your head.

"We live in cities you'll never see on screen"

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