Saturday, April 12, 2014

Halfway to 70

I am now halfway to 70.  That's how I've been describing my age for the past couple of days.  One of my coworkers thought that it sounded negative when I said it like that.  I said, like everything, it's all about perspective.  There are plenty of people who never make it to 70.  I'm already halfway there, which I think is pretty good.  I think it changed her mind when she thought about it too.

Because let's face it, we are in a constant state of aging.  There's nothing anyone can do to stop it.  So why are we wasting precious energy by griping about it?  At the same time, there are people who are always worrying about what they're eating.  They analyze and research and eliminate all kinds of tasty treats and make a conscious effort to eat in a way that will prolong their lives.  Which, if I'm not mistaken, means that they WANT to get old.  But then again, what kind of life would it be, if you deny yourself the pleasures of life?  I don't advocate the "live fast, die young" philosophy.  I also think there can be too much of a good thing.  But since you happen to be alive, why not enjoy it?

At least in moderation...

"Clap along if you feel like happiness is the truth"

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