Sunday, February 12, 2017

Bizarre Revelations

Most people who know me know that I'm not on Facebook.  My reasons are pretty much the same as anyone else who's not on Facebook.  And I guess it could be said that I miss out on a lot of information as a result.  But I get information just the same (you know, the old fashioned way), and sometimes it's not the best of news.

I learned earlier last week that one of my university classmates had passed away the weekend prior.  His name was Sean.  He was a really nice guy, and sadly someone I had lost touch with over the years.  I learned of his passing through another of my classmates with whom I talk regularly, who found out via a post that Sean's brother had made on Sean's Facebook page.  Naturally, I peppered her with questions, like how it happened, and what the funeral arrangements were, and so on.  Strangely, it was a vague post, and it seems like they don't know how or why he died.  That makes it all the more tragic in my eyes.  I'm hoping time will reveal more.

Born out of this sad news is the consolation that a bunch of my classmates and I are getting together next Sunday for lunch.  It's one of the largest class gatherings we've had since graduation.  Granted, we've all spread out and so it's mostly just the group that's in the area.  It will be nice to get together, remember our friend, and maybe reconnect a little more.

In other bizarre revelations, I had the most surprising dream last night.  It surprises me in a couple of ways: the first is that I actually remember some of it, and the second is the part that I do remember is so vivid that I have an inkling it could be another one of my psychic dreams.  I really should get back in the habit of keeping a dream diary, which I did years and years ago when I realized I was having psychic dreams, but after a while I stopped remembering my dreams so I stopped writing.  I don't know if I can really call them psychic dreams.  I just know that once in a while, I have an overwhelming feeling of deja vu, and that when I see something in real life that I've seen before, it almost always feels like I had dreamed it sometime in the past.  Most of the time, it's something so specific that there's no way I would have known what I was seeing in my dream would become real, because it was a place or a person I didn't know at the time.

As for the dream, I can't remember any details, save one.  I remember looking down at myself and saying out loud that my pants were getting too tight.  And then I told myself that of course my pants were getting tight, it was because I was pregnant.

Wait.  What??

The really amazing thing is that I didn't remember this dream snippet until just a few moments ago, hours and hours after the dream occurred.  I don't know who, I don't know when, and I don't know how, but if this turns out to be a psychic dream, I wanted to write this down somewhere before I forgot, and hopefully I'll remember to look back to prove that my mind knew first, and my body figured it out later.

"Don't let your worries second guess, we'll start over fresh, living a life with no regrets"

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