Friday, August 22, 2003

Did anyone see that lightning storm last night? Damn cool. Every few seconds there were giant blinding flashes, but very little thunder. Most of the time the flash was too brief to see, but sometimes the bolt just stayed there in the sky for a couple of seconds, and once or twice there were a few bolts close together at the same time. If only we could somehow...harness that energy. But then where would I get a flux capacitor? =)

The summer is rapidly grinding down, and I'm beginning to feel like I should be doing something productive. Like work. On the other hand, my social life is picking up again. CNE this weekend, baseball game on Monday, and then the ever pleasant task of figuring out what movies I'm going to see at the film festival. As someone who's had some experience in organizing things, it wouldn't be asking a lot to ask the good people at the Toronto International Film Festival to allot a little more than 48 hours for people to choose their films. But I guess they have their own deadlines to meet, and hey, I thrive in a logistical challenge (or go totally or the other).

"Floating in the summer sky, 99 red balloons go by"

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