Saturday, November 01, 2003

Hope everyone had a happy Halloween. I was on candy patrol, and as predicted there were only a few handfuls of people who came to the door. The second group of the night consisted of four kids, three of whom were dressed as SpongeBob Squarepants. I was handing out the treats when the last SpongeBob stopped me and said, "I have a nut allergy." All I had were Reese Peanut Butter Cups and Mars bars, so I felt kind of horrible for the kid. Then one of the other SpongeBobs, who looked like his twin, fished out the Reese that I had given him and handed it back to me saying, "Me too, but thank you for offering." These kids couldn't have been more that 7 or 8 years old.

The next notable visit came from a tiny white lion and his mom, who was dressed as a cat. He was literally knee-high, probably 3 or 4 years old. The mom tried to get him to say hello to me, but he was way more interested in the flashing bicycle light that was tied on a string around his neck. Finally he glanced up from his chest and said hello.

One of my first thoughts was, where did these kids come from? Most of the kids in my neighbourhood have grown up and even the younger ones have now entered university age. My next thought was, where are the older kids? I got a couple of kids, one with just a purple wig and the other with a green and white striped "Cat in the Hat" hat, and that was about it. I guess it just means more candy for me, although I did carry on my tradition and bought Halloween candy today.

"It's close to midnight and something evil's lurking in the dark"

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