Friday, May 14, 2004

High Rate of Turnover:

It's a game of musical chairs at work. Last week Tina (one of the Validation girls) left the department and went to work at the Markham site. During her farewell dinner there were some horror stories about her new boss and the plant in general (Lesson of the Day: the smell of penicillin during production will permeate everything you own). She was cool but I didn't really get a chance to talk to her. All I really know is that she loves the show "American Dreams".

This Tuesday will be Shanthini's last day. She got offered a job at OPG (hooray for nuclear power). She was kind of surprised because she had the interview in November. But a job's a job, and in particular this is an engineering job. She's kind of nervous about it and a little hesitant because she likes the pharmaceutical game, but it's not like she can't come back. So we're having her farewell dinner on Monday (I've been eating out a lot lately). I guess this means that there is yet another opening in our department. Oh, and the new summer students started last week. Jonathan's a kinesiology student, which is a little different than the rest of us, but like Monica said, this ain't rocket science. He's sort of the hobo of the group, since there weren't enough desks in our area. He's using Michael's (the night shift guy) desk right now, which works out. And all the production guys are drooling over Maria. I'll admit that she's pretty, and it was funny how some of the guys reacted when they first saw her. Especially the guys who are married and have a few kids. Actually, that's kind of dirty...

Anyway, by the end of the month the new QA office on the floor should be finished, and so half the department is moving out onto the floor and the rest of us will stay in the office. All this moving about made me think about my situation, and how I kind of feel bad about deciding to move on after my contract is up. But this is after all a contract position, and the woman I'm replacing right now will be back, so it's not like I'm leaving them with another space to fill. The most ideal situation would be to get an engineering job with this company, but I guess we'll see. I suppose I should start to get to know the engineers a little better...

"Combat baby, come back baby, fight off the lethargy, don't go quietly"

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