Monday, May 31, 2004

If It Isn't One Thing, It's Another:

Lesson of the day: Hippopotamus sweat is a natural sunscreen.

Maybe it's just been a long winter, or I need a refresher course on applying sunscreen. No sooner had my hand burns started peeling away, I go and burn myself again. First, on both my arms in a single band, right where my t-shirt sleeve ended and the apparent sunscreen protection began. And also...on the top of my head. Yes friends, I have sunburned my scalp. That's going to look great when it starts to peel.

So how did I let this happen? I was at my good friend Jocelyn's first horse show this weekend and I neglected to bring a hat. Who knew we were going to be sitting out in an open field with no shade for about five hours? At least I was smart enough to copy some of the other spectators and get the umbrella out of my car. Otherwise I probably wouldn't be able to touch the top of my head for a week. But other than the potential skin cancer it was a fun day. Jocelyn did as well as could be expected with an ornery horse and really subjective judging. I'm sure next time we'll be able to entirely cover her outfit with ribbons.

So the photos of that day are in the process of being developed, and yes, I am STILL in the process of getting those other photos up on my website. the meantime, here's a little something I was finally able to scan for your viewing pleasure. (Kev, this one's for you)

P.S. In case anyone wants to kill me for some reason, I just want to point out that the only link to the photo is through this this internet experience will be somewhat contained.

"And I'm so sad, like a good book I can't put this day back, a sorta fairytale with you"

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