Thursday, June 03, 2004

Takin' a Look Around:

Since I'm on the road a lot these days, I get to see a lot of interesting things. Like close calls. Goddamn, why do all the crappy drivers hang around me??? It's almost a daily occurrence now to see someone almost get hit by someone else (thank God it's never far). And it's like it always happens in slow motion. The guy starts moving into the next lane, not noticing that someone else is already occupying the next lane, and he just inches closer...and closer...and closer...and finally the guy in the other lane gets a clue and swerves out of the way, honking like there's no tomorrow. Or the ones where the guy stops just centimetres away from rear-ending the guy in front. Hello, do you not see that the car in front has come to a complete stop?

I probably mentioned this in the past, but Stouffville is the horse capital of Ontario. So naturally, I see a lot of horses. Even more now that the weather is nicer. There's this one farm that's right by the highway, and the horses are usually grazing by the fence so you can see them pretty well. Lately there's a new foal standing around looking cute. But today on my drive home, I glanced at the fence, and although I only saw it for a second, I'm almost certain that I saw a llama. Otherwise it was the ugliest horse I've ever seen. On second thought, it could easily have been a camel too. I'm going to have to take a closer look tomorrow.

The other day my dad asked, "Where's Moldova?" To which I gave my standard geography answer, "I dunno, somewhere in the middle." The reason he was asking was because one of the many cousins in my family is getting married in August to a guy who's originally from Moldova. Kimberly's the daughter of my dad's cousin, which makes us somewhat related (I can never get the categories straight. Second cousin? Third cousin? Removed a couple of times? I don't know). This is also the infamous "brainchild" cousin that I think I may have met many many years ago, but haven't seen since. She's the kind of kid that our parents will heap praises on and make the rest of us kids feel completely inferior. She got into Johns Hopkins University at age 15 or something, then got into med school at around the same time I was starting 3rd year at Waterloo. Now I think she's a practicing OB/GYN. And she's about the same age as I am. And she's getting married. To a dermatologist from Moldova. Grrr...

"Hey, don't write yourself off yet, it's only in your head you feel left out, or looked down on"

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