Saturday, September 13, 2003

Another Arthur Encounter:

For those who aren't familiar with Arthur, he's a friend of mine who I bump into in the most unusual places. The first was in a line-up at Canada's Wonderland a couple of years ago. The next was near the Mr. Greenjeans restaurant in the Eaton Centre. Tonight, it was when I was coming out of the Isabel Bader Theatre after watching my final festival film, and Arthur was sitting in the line waiting to go in to see the next movie. It's really weird how that keeps happening.

Speaking of line-ups, the film festival, and encountering people randomly, I had another celebrity sighting, and quite an impressive one in terms of difficulty and somewhat low level of celebrity. What I mean is that Boni and I were waiting outside the theatre while people were exiting from the previous film. Of the people who were filing past us, one person caught my eye, simply because he was wearing a shirt that said "Eat Krispy Kreme Doughnuts". I thought to myself, "Hey, cool shirt." Then I looked at who was wearing it. It was Bob Blumer. Okay, like I said, the level of celebrity is quite low given that you're probably asking, "Who's Bob Blumer?" Anyone who watches the Food Network like I do will know that he's also known as The Surreal Gourmet. If it hadn't been for his shirt, I wouldn't have even looked at him in passing. His face was partially obscured due to his sunglasses, but his hair is very recognizable. And, as further evidence that it was most likely Bob Blumer, he came out of a screening of "Go Further", that movie about Woody Harrelson touring around America endorsing hemp and yoga and organic living. He seems like the type.

"If it's over let it go and come tomorrow it will seem so yesterday"

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