Saturday, January 24, 2004

A Change of Luck:

For all the other people out there born in 1979 (the Year of the Ram), take note: This is your year! For some particular reason, Chinese astrologists have determined that this year, the Year of the Monkey, is going to be a good year for sheep. What's even more bizarre is that if you carry with you a small symbol of a horse, it will bring you additional luck. Today my aunt gave me a little stone horse to carry around on my purse. It kind of looks like a Scottish terrier from certain angles. So, even if it doesn't really work, I don't care, it's still really cute.

I know that some of you are probably saying to yourself, "I don't believe in this crap." Well, I was told that last year was supposed to be a particularly rough year for Rams, and I guess that would be evident in the fact that I was unsuccessful in my search for a job. Well...yesterday (the second day of the New Year), I got a rejection letter from a company that I had an interview with last year, but at the same time I had the best interview of my life with a different company, and right now, it looks like I may have a job before the end of the month. Long story short, it's a contract (1 year) quality assurance position with a big pharmaceutical company located up in Stouffville (northeast of Toronto). From the description that they gave me, it would be a perfect job for me, because it would allow me to be involved in a lot of different projects, and would help me to gain experience in almost all aspects of the industry, like production, validation, quality control, process control, etc. I had the interview in the morning, and that same afternoon they called me back to tell me that they like me, and to send in my references ASAP so that they could speed up the process. So, it's not a sure thing yet, but luck is changing.

"You must be my lucky star, 'cause you shine on me wherever you are"

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