Tuesday, February 03, 2004

A Matrix Moment:

Don't you hate it when you can't tell when you're dreaming and when you're awake? Like this morning. I was semi-conscious at around 7am, so I was drifting in and out of dreaming. The next thing I knew, I was up, out of bed, and basically getting ready for the day. I was hanging something up in my closet, and then I noticed that my closet was half empty, which was slightly odd but I dealt with it by reasoning that my clothes must in the hamper or something. My mom came into my room, reminded me that we were having lunch with my aunt today (which is totally true), and I was arguing with her about something (not unusual) when I noticed that there were papers strewn about in a messy way on the table near my door, which may not have been unusual except that I've never seen that table before, let alone the papers. And then I woke up, and I had to take a few seconds to realize that everything I had just been doing never actually happened.

As most of you already know, I'm a weird dreamer. But what I want to know is, does anyone else experience this kind of thing? Where you dream about current events that could potentially happen in real life, but then wake up and realize that it was all in your head?


"But if you're ready to be my everything, if you're ready to see it through this time"

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