Monday, February 16, 2004


Hey all! Happy belated NoMan to all the single girls out there (and I guess NoGirl to the guys). I had the best weekend ever! Too much detail to write down here, but stay tuned to my website for the stories and the photos.

Today was the official beginning of my adventures in the working world. It went as expected (paperwork and safety shoes), except for a glitch or two (like the ID camera not working, thus forcing me to go back to the Scarborough site sometime this week). It seemed like they weren't expecting me at Stouffville, since I was locked out of the building and I couldn't find my supervisor. But luckily one of the operators let me in and was able to find someone from QA to help me out. And who else could he have brought but my former classmate Shanthini! That was a nice coincidence. We hung out at her desk and she introduced me to people in the department while we waited for my supervisor to come back from lunch. Then I was given the standard cube and a whole stack of SOPs to read for the rest of the day. Coming home was killer though, as I had to also fight my way into a gas station to get relatively cheap gas. Hopefully things will get more interesting tomorrow. Like me getting my computer and voicemail passwords.

"I could use a little fuel myself and we could all use a little change"

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