Monday, September 06, 2004

Not Complete Without a Crazy Person

In a way, I guess I could have qualified as the crazy person. You know, going downtown at 6:30 in the morning on a holiday, sitting in a line for two hours, just to pick up some film tickets. But, I'd like to point out that I wasn't the first person in the line. Actually, there could easily have been 60-70 people in front of me. And the whole point of being down there so early was that in the event that I didn't get all the tickets I ordered, I could quickly get into the OTHER line for the replacement tickets, which moves much slower comparatively to the first line. But, lucky for me, I got every ticket I ordered this year, so woo hoo, etc.

The crazy person was a guy that I encountered after I picked up the tickets. It was about 9:30, so it was still relatively early, and as I was walking along Yonge, I heard a commotion somewhere behind me. I stopped to look, but couldn't see anything. Then I heard the voice again, only it was louder and closer. Then I saw him walking down the street in my direction. I couldn't think of anything to do except to walk away from the crazy man. Of course, I didn't want to look like I was running away from him, so I just casually walked down the street. He got closer and closer and finally I could sort of hear what he was saying. I say "sort of" because he was screaming at the top of his lungs in a semi-maniacal manner. I heard him say something about starving children, and "fucking this" and "fucking that", and then as he passed me he said something like "for the glory of the British Empire" and then mentioned something about George the VI. I guess that officially qualified him as a crazy person for me.

Not that he looked crazy, he wasn't noticeably dirty or carrying plastic bags. He had normal clothes, a hat, and he was even wearing headphones. Wasn't sure if they were plugged into anything, but I haven't seen very many homeless crazy people with headphones. I lost sight of him after a while, but as I was about to go into the Eaton Centre, there he was in front of me, heading into the mall. At that point I became convinced that I should walk outside, since it was such a nice day.

"Welcome to a new kind of tension, all across the alien nation, everything isn't meant to be okay"

1 comment:

Andrew said...

That was you??? I should have stopped to say hello but I was dying for an Orange Julius and only the Eaton Centre has one that I know of. All that yelling gives me a mighty thirst.