Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Empire State of Mind

I was just itching to go somewhere. Anywhere. And then I watched "Sex and the City 2" and that was it. I had to go to New York. Well, I guess it could have been Dubai as well, but I'm a little strapped for cash. And isn't it hot enough??

A friend and I went to New York during the long weekend. It turns out that almost everyone else had the same idea. Another friend of mine and 3 of her friends were going to be there. Another friend was going on a bus tour. A couple of family friends' daughters were there. Every sight-seeing tour bus was full. Times Square was a sea of people. Every other person I passed on the street had a map in their hands. It was fantastic.

The last time I was in New York it was with my family and it was pre-911. I feel sad whenever I say it like that. Of course, out of some kind of morbid curiosity but mostly out of respect, I went to visit Ground Zero. Construction is in full swing, and I'm really interested in seeing the memorial site when it's finished. But the wall dedicated to the fire fighters and police officers made me a little teary. I can remember that day so clearly.

Despite the fact that this was not my first visit, I did a lot of "firsts". I went to my first Broadway show (we saw "Billy Elliot", and I HIGHLY recommend it, but not for young children). I walked through Central Park for the first time. I stood in the middle of Times Square for the first time. I rode in a Yellow Cab for the first time (it's just as scary as I had imagined it would be).

The one thing that excited me the most? Seeing a family with Tim Hortons cups in their hands. I eventually found the store on 42nd Street and became giddy. But I didn't go in. That would have been so uncool.

"These streets will make you feel brand new, big lights will inspire you"


Christopher Spicer said...

It is always a special moment when you can find a Tim Horton's in the United States. It is the proverbial needle in a haystack. Though it seems rather absurd to say, I actually feel slightly patriotic when I find a Timmies there and especially when I see several patrons enjoying its wares.

As for New York, I really need to take a trip there. I am ashamed to say, I've never been.

Anonymous said...

You never told us you were going! Jealous! I want to see pictures.