Friday, May 24, 2013

The Land of Durian

I have never had durian before.  I've heard the stories about the stink, but I've never had the opportunity to try it.  Until I got to Hong Kong, and it turns out that it's one of my great aunt's favourites.  So, out of respect and politeness, I agreed to try it.  The general rule is that if you can handle the smell, you should be able to eat it.  It isn't the most pleasant smell in the world, but I'm sure there are other things that smell a whole lot worse.  So I was fine with it.  But I wasn't keen on eating more than a couple of pieces.

Now I find myself in the land of durian.  So much so that there is actually a sign in our hotel that bans durian from being brought into the rooms.  Malaysia has so far met my expectations for the heat level.  For some reason, it feels exponentially hotter here than in HK.  However, the customs of the land suggest a more modest waredrobe for women (refrain from shorts and tank tops).  Much to my chagrin and embarrassment, I forgot about that.  So yes, I did feel conspicuous at the airport.  To a lesser degree at the central train station where I saw other female tourists baring their legs.

But I'm definitely going to have to go to the market in the morning. (Ed. note: I wrote this last night but lost Wifi connection before I could publish. After walking around today and seeing people wear less clothing than me, I think I'll be okay after all)

The one thing I'm glad I remembered: my umbrella.  I've now experienced a black rain warning.  They also have red rain and amber rain.  But no purple rain.

The one thing I wish I remembered: the bug spray.

"If you know what I'm singin' about up here, come on raise your hand"

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