Tuesday, March 25, 2003

You would think that, by now, I would be okay with making presentations. At the very least, that I would not feel like I was going to pass out, throw up, or spastically hyperventilate in the few minutes leading up to it. But no. Still got those damned butterflies. And yet the second I get up there, it's just me and the powerpoint (well, and my partner(s), depending on the situation). And then I stare at people without seeing them, and the whole thing just presents itself. And then it's over, and I'm left standing there like the doof that I am wondering what the hell I was so worried about in the first place. Until the next presentation (which, by the way, is on Monday).

For those of you just joining us, welcome! Come on in, take a peek at my brain. Or a glance...or a gaze...whatever you prefer.

Would you believe me if I told you that I had completely forgotten about current world events for a brief moment? It's true! It just totally slipped my mind. How could this possibly have happened, you ask? I haven't the first clue. All I know is, for about a day or two, I was considering going to visit a friend in the States. And it never occurred to me that this could be a problem. After all, I'm just going to visit a friend, I'm not smuggling a weapon of mass destruction. And to Ann Arbor, of all places. But, as my mother pointed out, someone else could be, so why put myself in that kind of position? But it's fascinating how this war affects me in such an insignificant way that I could just forget that it's happening. Or maybe it really is senility setting in. Either way, sorry Ada, can't make it right now. I guess I'll just have to visit you in T.O.

Lesson for the day: be wary of grey meat.

"Come out upon my seas/cursed missed opportunites/am I a part of the cure/or am I part of the disease"

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