Friday, December 26, 2003

Weirdos At The Door:

This is could possibly be construed as a cautionary tale. Or it could be funny. Depends on your point of view.

My cousin Ellen called me just a little while ago. She's at home by herself (well, my grandfather is there too, but basically she's there to look after him as opposed to the other way around). Someone rang her doorbell. She guessed that her sister had returned home and forgotten her key. As she approached the door, she noticed it was a man, so maybe it was her father. But her father isn't six feet tall with grey hair. As she was about to open the door, the person outside started trying to open the door. That made her stop and begin to freak out. Who is this weirdo? So she backed off into the kitchen and waited. After maybe ten minutes of constant bell ringing and knocking, the guy left. That's when she called me. We figured things were okay, except he came back and started knocking and ringing the bell again. She really began to freak out, so I gave her the number of our family friend (where our parents were playing MJ) and told her to call the police in addition to her parents.

After several minutes, she called me back. The 911 operator had instructed her to talk to the man through the door. It turns out that the man was her sister's friend's father, and he was looking for his son. I'm not sure about the details, but it was something like he was supposed to come and pick up his son but wasn't sure of the correct time or place. So she informed him that they had gone out and hadn't returned yet. And as far as I know, he left.

Man, Ellen was freaking out. She had even armed herself with a kitchen knife. To be honest, I would have been pretty scared too if I were in her situation. Unfortunately, my uncle and aunt are probably speeding back to their house right now, freaking out even more so than Ellen. In any case, it's good that everything turned out to be non-hostile. But seriously, what kind of person tries to open the door while they're waiting for someone to answer it?

"Every bond you break, every step you take, I'll be watching you"

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