Thursday, May 15, 2003

Call me a girly-girl if you want, but whenever I get a new pair of shoes I become all giddy and excited. I don't really understand why. Even if they're just running shoes, for christ's sake. And it rarely happens for any other clothes, unless it was an incredible bargain. I know what you're thinking, and yes, I guess it could be labelled a "fetish", but it's not an uncontrollable obsession. Maybe the infrequent purchasing of footwear leads to my being all happy about it when it happens.

Today is a day of cosmic freebies. First up, a few days ago I received free passes to an advance screening of "Down With Love" that is taking place later tonight. Where did they come from? According to the envelope, I was blessed by MuchMoreMusic. I have no recollection of even attempting to obtain these passes, but whatever. I have this habit of entering every useful contest I can find. When I say "useful", I mean that I would actually want the prize if I won it, and as long as I don't have to do anything other than give them my name and a way to contact me. Plus, this seems to be a very appropriate belated NoMan event, since the festivities were unfortunately postponed this year. I can't wait to be immersed in the gaudiness of the Sixties.

Today is also the day of the Matrix Reloaded. My brothers and I went to see it this afternoon, and were surprised when, during the ticket purchasing process, we obtained $15 worth of free food. How, you ask? It just so happens that whoever used the ticket machine before we did bought a concession ticket but it had remained hidden in the machine. When we bought our tickets, it popped out. Whoever was before us probably thought they were ripped off and were hopefully compensated by the establishment. Nothing beats guilt-free free food.

Lesson of the day: No matter how full you are, there's always room for popcorn.

"I like it here, it's nice in here, I get everything for free"

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