Thursday, June 12, 2003

An Average Transit Experience:

Taking the TTC is always an adventure, but somewhat predictable as well. This time I was heading down to the Dome for a Jays' game (when the ticket is $2, I would probably go see anything). The ride downtown was uneventful, except that I had forgotten exactly how long the Skywalk is and was subsequently late in meeting my friends, who were pretty much ready to give up on me when I finally arrived. The game itself was quite enjoyable, given that we won. The people who sat around us were really entertaining as well, including a couple of kids who were trying to find a vendor who wasn't selling beer.

I went home solo on the subway again, but this time I walked along Front St. with the rest of the baseball crowd. It was a little daunting, but there was no shortage of witnesses, should anything happen to me. So I relaxed and went along with it. On the subway, there was a girl with some pretty cool multi-coloured knee socks. An interesting look that I could never pull off. And of course there was the brush with a crazy person. It was an elderly lady who wasn't sitting that close to me but she was speaking loudly to a woman near her, although I couldn't hear exactly what she was saying. She was twitching in her seat, like she couldn't sit still, so it was probably more of an "old person" thing than a "crazy person" thing. Then, while waiting for my dad at the station, there were ads posted around the phone booth about a "singles dance" that's being held at the Old Mill for the "over 30 crowd", brought to you by the Single Professionals Network, or something similar. A very scary glimpse into my future.

Lesson of the day: Coldplay is an AMAZING live band. Or so I've heard.

"Nobody said it was easy"

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