Wednesday, April 21, 2004

Word Play:

I don't know if any of you look closely at your spam, but I've been getting some fun ones. And not the usual teen sluts or Viagra discounts. These are just a random grouping of words. It's in both the subject line and the message, but there are too many words to list here, so I'll just give you a sample of a couple of my favourite subject lines:

liquefaction juliet rainbow religious facade cornell scram lemonade...

confucian wine tetrachloride jacobus romulus anionic child yank furtherance...

(I couldn't copy it all down, but that second one really brought out the Chemmie in me)

Has anyone ever been able to buy playoff tickets online through Ticketmaster? Is that even possible? Because I've been trying and it's like they allow you to try, but they don't have any left if you wait a second after 10am. You just end up clicking back and forth, typing ridiculous words as their way of attempting to bypass clever computer geeks and their programs. It makes you wonder if the words they use are real too. Hungred? Ostiary? Then, after a bunch of relatively small (5-8 letter) words, they threw this one at me: "trialbalance". After about half an hour of trying ( work) I started to get the feeling they were telling me something when they were reusing some of the words. And then this word showed up and made me give up all together: "damnum"

Finally, a little tidbit of something that I had heard on the radio while driving to work. There's some new book about the White House and their role in Iraq or something, and they interviewed Colin Powell for it. They asked him what his relationship with the Vice President was like. Powell said that they had an informal and friendly relationship, and here's a direct quote from the book: "When the Vice President and I are alone together in a room, it's just Colin and Dick."

If you don't get it, just remember to pronounce the names correctly.

"And I see you standing there, wanting more from me, and all I can do is try"

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