Thursday, April 01, 2004

One of a Kind:

I experienced the One of a Kind show yesterday for the first time ever. Yes, it is full of artsy craftsy people and things. Yes, the vast majority of those in attendance were female. But it was still kinda cool. Some quick highlights:

1) Who knew that people could get so incredibly excited about custom made aprons? A snippet of conversation we overheard (and I'm not kidding):
"Ladies! Come over here and check out these aprons! Look, she has a sewing machine!"

2) Why didn't that guy think of this before? Candles that smell like burning logs. Hey, he thought it was a good idea. Through brainstorming we came up with more outdoorsy (and therefore perfectly suited to Em) inspired scents: marshmallows/s'mores, skunk, marsh/swamp
By the time we left the candle guy, our hands were covered in wax and various fruit smells and Ada discovered that by inhaling too deeply, she now had wax up her nose.

3) A veritable smorgasbord. We had a sample of every food product, except the caribou and canned fish (I had just had chocolate covered fruit and didn't think the combination would work well). Unfortunately, I had forgotten about my waxy hands. Between Ada and me, we had successfully met our wax intake requirements for the day.

My purchase of the evening? Three jars of wine jelly. wine jelly...

And now, a conversation about the weather:

Water water everywhere...but surprise! We are actually having a crisis at work concerning the water supply. In that we don't have any. Why? Well, all this lovely rain that we've been getting is washing all the crap in and around Stouffville into the local well water, which is our source, and is thus making it impossible for us to use to make the product. This is not to say that we don't treat the water before we use it...oh no. We just can't do anything to purify it ENOUGH at this point. The TOC levels are just too high. (What's TOC? Umm.....yeah.....let me get back to you on that...) And there's no way to get water from Lake Ontario (an example of good planning in the 60s). Well, it's gotta stop raining eventually.

"It's never ending as far as I know, but there's a doubt you feel between us both"

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