Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Glorious Relief

Alcohol of the Day: Guinness (what else?!)

Welcome new readers!  And so begins the tour.

Be forewarned: I've been mostly awake for the past 36 hours, so if it starts to go downhill, that would be why.

Getting to Dublin was relatively uneventful.  What was great for both me and my brother was stepping outside and feeling glorious relief.  For me, I was coming from a place where the humidity made it feel like 43 degrees Celsius.  For him, he was coming from a place where the overnight low was 30 degrees Celsius.  It was as though we could breathe again.

Not only that, but it rained.  A number of times, actually.  It felt SO good...

So despite the fact that we were both rather jetlagged, we just plowed forward after dropping our bags off in our room and made our way directly to the Guinness Storehouse.  Well, not directly per se.  We have yet to get the hang of the Dublin Bus system.  We made it minutes before 7:00pm, which was the last admission time.  We went through the history of Guinness pretty quickly, then headed up to the Gravity Bar for our free pint before last call.  Very refreshing, but given that I hadn't eaten a proper meal in about 12 hours, it didn't sit quite right.

We headed to Temple Bar to have a late dinner, and for some reason I decided to order a Beamish (I couldn't finish it).  And then had a Bailey's coffee afterwards (it was free).  So yeah, not tipsy but not feeling that great.

I have photos but I really can't do much more posting right now.  I'll catch up tomorrow.

"I know I've felt like this before, but now I'm feeling it even more"

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