Tuesday, October 21, 2003

I couldn't believe my ears as I watched Everwood last night. The annoying nemesis, Dr. Abbott, was actually using Friendster as a resource to search for potential suitors for his younger sister. I was stunned. First of all, I figured these guys were extremely outside of the target demographic for this particular website. But, after taking a look around, it would appear that there are people of that specific age and background who do use it, and are apparently serious about it. I'm not sure why I was surprised when I heard it referenced on a popular TV show. I mean, these kinds of online networking services have been around forever. I don't know, it probably seemed really surreal to me simply because I've recently become a participant in this modern matchmaking scheme.

By the way, is there anyone out there who wants to see Kill Bill with me? Please?

"Always should be someone you really love"

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