Saturday, October 18, 2003

Jaws, I was actually able to type in your blog address correctly from memory on the first try. You sure don't like to do things the easy way, do you? =)

Reading her blog today reminded me of a quote I heard earlier this week that made me laugh and then made me shake my head because I had laughed at it. I'll tell you the quote, and then I'll tell you the context.

"My God, look at the nut sack on that thing!" - Ed Robertson

The making of the video for the Barenaked Ladies' new single "Another Postcard". The concept: a six-storey tall chimpanzee is rampaging through Toronto while the five band members run around as either civilians or army soldiers with pieces of fake concrete falling around them. The chimp then climbs the CN Tower before it rockets into outer space. Also, each of the guys got to play a character with a line at the beginning of the video. Sadly, the nut sack line didn't make it into the finished product. Those guys are hilarious. I couldn't stop laughing for the entire half-hour show. Well, maybe during the commercials.

Speaking of music videos, I just saw the new Sarah McLachlan video, "Fallen". I've lost count of how many videos she's made in which she is naked. Three? Four? But it has been quite a while since the last one (which I believe was "Possession") so I guess that's okay. And I'm glad that her hair is long again, but the jury is still out as to whether the black dye job suits her or not.

"Another postcard with chimpanzees, and every one is addressed to me"

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