Thursday, April 17, 2003


Wow, that's it. Five years has come and gone and it all ended with an exam that I think I did better on than any other this term. Amazing. And, miracle of miracles, someone is actually interested in subletting our house. Un-freaking believable. I guess it's hard to understand my disbelief if you haven't been trying desperately and unsuccessfully to unload this death trap for the past two months, competing with people whose houses are two steps away from campus or who are giving people free beer or money to take their lease (yeah, I wasn't too sure about that last one either).

Oh, about the death trap first looks, this house is actually quite nice, except that the landlady turned the awesome living room into two rat-hole sized rooms and is charging the same rent as the real rooms. But the roof is not holding back the water like it should, and who knows what's going on in the attic, so any day now the whole thing could come crashing down, which would be good for us since we'd get our rent back but bad for anyone who's living here. Here's to hoping that it'll hold until the new people come in September.

So all that's left is to collect my junk together and get the hell out of here. But not tonight.

"Cause I'm free, I'm free-fallin'..."

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