Wednesday, April 30, 2003

Random thoughts (because I don't have any structured ones right now):

I worry about my friends. Not constantly, just once in a while. I just hope things are good with them, especially during long periods of silence.

Just as I'm finishing my schooling, my dad is going back. Funny how the world works.

I've been dwelling, specifically on the past, but not in a bad, self-depressing way...more of a reflective, why-am-I-feeling-like-this way. Things that have been sort of gnawing at me have been sorted out, but have also revealed something very reminiscent of past events. I know I'm being "cryptic", as certain people like to call it, but...yeah...I have too much time on my hands right now, and that usually results in me thinking, and when that happens, look out.

I am in a funk, and I don't like being funky (unless it's in a good way). Elements of my life are starting to scare me, although they've been scaring me for a while, but lately it's gotten worse. I shouldn't be trying to deal with forever, I should be taking it one day at a time, right? Right.

Thanks for tuning in to "Freaking Out About Life". Join us next time for an encore presentation of "What It Means To Be A Small Asian Chick Who's Unemployed And Living At Home".

"Yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away, now it looks as though they're here to stay"

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